Dear friends of the music and art of Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser Musix and TheBedtimestory.online today I publish this somewhat disgusting video in which you can see a fly under a microscope. It is a bit horrible to examine this dead fly, but the wings of this insect look very filigree and extremely beautiful. There is almost a grace in it. Nevertheless, in combination with the song Dead End Street by Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser Musix, the video seems a bit shocking and a bit like a Korpus Dei or rather like a requiem on this little fruit fly.
It's repulsive and fascinating at the same time. It has a few nice moments and at the same time it's like crying. Because the video is almost black and white, this tragedy and the contemplation of death or the dead insect are even more blatant.
If you still like the song, you can download a free mp3 from the store http://www.thebedtimestory.online and you will also get a 720 pixel version of this video.
I plead for rebirth and a new happy life. However, the second spring in life is probably only possible if the confrontation with the topic of winter and death and transience has been so successful in its existence that the fear of it disappears and after the process of spiritual death rebirth and a new beginning begin. Then the cycle of eternal life closes. In any case, I regularly decide to live and love and breathe again. A diver or a flute player knows the feeling when you hold your breath for a while, until the next breath and the next breath. It is sad when you lose your motivation to breathe because of the sadness and loss. All the nicer then to regain the lust for life, to consciously admit to it: "Yes, I want life." I have the impression that the earth is currently in this state globally, as it was many millions of years ago, when the animals that first lived in the water went ashore and then began to develop a lungs and to breathe. It is like an awakening from the "dream" and the "deep sleep" under water into the world above water and then the step towards being awake and conscious to "life". I believe in principle most people on earth now begin to "live" and "breathe" consciously in the waking state. I sincerely hope that as many as possible overcome the current Corona Virus and become conscious and awake to live and breathe ...
Everything that was so far was like a dream state while sleeping under water. Now we have the opportunity to live and breathe "awake" and "consciously". This requires very good "care" for all systems, especially on the astral spirit levels. Lots of "love" and "mana" and "shi", then the trick is truly and consciously successful in living and breathing and loving ...
I believe that this is possible for everyone who is here now and I hope that as many as possible can.
Have fun with this work!
Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser