Dear friends of TheBedtimeStory.online, today you get the complete package of the first season with the Kasperle episodes 1-7 as mp3 in a zip archive with all cover graphics and the logo of the portal.
I am happy if you support this platform with this paid download. It will definitely continue to be produced ;-)
The following Kasperle radio plays are included in this complete package:
1. Kasperl and the crocodile from the Nile
2. Gretel and Seppel the siblings
3. Grandmother and the King
4. The wizard and the princess
5. The host and the postman
6. The evil witch and the hell dog
7. Punch and the real tangerine
A total of about 44 minutes of radio play fun with guaranteed tears of laughter.
Have fun with the series and thank you for your support!
Best regards
Ralf Christoph Kaiser