new audiodrama: Fairytale with the cool boys by Ralf Christoph Kaiser now on -

new audiodrama:Fairytale with the cool boys by Ralf Christoph Kaiser now on

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Dear friends of the music and art of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, today I am releasing a new radio play: Fairytale with the cool guys. It's an audio drama that makes you feel like you're in the cinema. An exciting story is told that plays out in the listener's head like a movie. The audio drama lasts almost 5 minutes and offers everything a good radio play of this length needs. Suspense and action, a love scene at the lake and a happy ending.

Here everything is lyrically summarized for you again:

Fairytale radio play
with the cool guys
on the motorcycle
immersed in the fantasy world
smoky at the kite
Fight in the air
he escapes the villain
It's snowing at the lake
the dwarf calls his Juchhe
Love sings
The evening sky us
brings out a smile
The story ends here
I am now sending this to Tucano


Have fun and thank you for your support!


PS: This work was created in cooperation with other sound designers who made their contributions and Sound FX available via

At this point I would like to mention: SACEM with the contribution: "Dragon Air Attack" and PRS with the contribution: "Noisy Underscore Crescendo"

Thanks also to everyone else who contributed to making this work possible.