new"Live Lyrics"with the best of the last 14 days by Ralf Christoph Kaiser as mp3, as HD Sound Wav File and as text in PDF format with illustrations and photos for each poem

new"Live Lyrics"with the best of the last 14 days by Ralf Christoph Kaiser as mp3, as HD Sound Wav File and as text in PDF format with illustrations and photos for each poem

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Dear friends of art and music and the lyrics of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, today you get a new live lyrics session with the best of the last 14 days as mp3 and as an HD sound wav file and with the lyrics in German and English as a PDF format with illustrations and photos for each poem.

Here you can see the reading live as a video on Instagram:

The illustrations and photos were partly created in cooperation with Dall-E, an artificial intelligence that can paint pictures.

The recording is over 8 minutes long and contains 5 poems that are recited.

I am also reprinting three of the poems for you here:

Black Jack Bild by Dall-E und Ralf Christoph Kaiser zu den Live Lyrics auf


you deal the cards

The bet is set

I want another card

have two pictures

20 points

you take the third card and have black jack

21 and collect the game

The bank's gone

we collect the profits

Then suddenly it's play

like rock the party

I pull out the bets twice

am happy in the house

you spend one

Now love is with the mouse

in the big feast



Billiard Tournier zu zweit Gedicht by Ralf Christoph Kaiser Foto by Dall-E zusammen mit Ralf Christoph Kaiser


Billiard tournament for two

The ball rolls

she thrusts hard and hits

holed -

then pocketed the cue ball

Play through the middle

at great distance via gang

the orange ball played by the full

She glides slowly

into the hole

like nudged

as if caressed

like in slow motion

and hooray

now the billions are there

We counter each other

The first game goes to me

the second to you

fair play

both the winners

now stop and enjoy.

You're two games ahead

but today we are equals

as well as

equally delighted

equally the winners -

like partners who shake hands after the game

and congratulate each other on a good game

to the good end

at story time

Made good with finesseht

with gratitude fraternally

with love father and son




Die Menge tobt Gedicht by Ralf Christoph Kaiser Foto mit Dall-E auf


The crowd goes wild

Drunk with joy

At the better beginning

During the rush

Picked up on time

The hats ragged

Good mood

I like you

Before the hand kiss I say. you lovee“

At the good hour

better customer

gratitude all around