Sweet Pancakes / Jam Session mit Kaiser und Kurz vom 29.09.2020 jetzt in HD Sound on thebedtimestory.online - thebedtimestory.online

Sweet Pancakes/Jam Session with Kaiser and Kurz from 09/29/2020 now in HD sound on thebedtimestory.online

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Dear friends of handmade rock music, today I would like to give you a song that was recorded live at a jam session with Kaiser and Kurz on 09/29/2020. You can get the song"Sweet Pancakes"in HD sound for 1.86 euros here in the store and there is an mp3 version as a free download.
How much I missed this sound all the months during Corona ...
Now I hope to see you again, maybe in a big group with Limoband?
This single is definitely going to be steep.
Just don't get caught playing loud air guitar at full volume ...
Love and Peace
Ralf and the Thebedtimestory.online team