The Moon and the Bird Short Video and New Song: "Warten..."  by Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser-Friske Houseband free mp3 Download inlusive Coverfoto Blue sky and the moon -

The Moon and the Bird Short Video and New Song: "Waiting ..." by Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser-Friske Houseband free mp3 download including cover photo Blue sky and the moon

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Dear friends of art and music from Ralf Christoph Kaiser, tonight I would like to give away a new short video with a bird flying past the moon and turning a piruette. This video is called: "The Moon and the Bird" You can get it here as a free download including the complete song: "Wait ..." by Kaiser-Friske Houseband as mp3. In this download package you also get the cover photo with the picture: "blue sky and the moon" by Ralf Christoph Kaiser. The video and the photo were both taken this evening shortly after sunset. I had a great photo session in the green with my son. I hope you enjoy the song and the video and the photo ...
Good night and dreaming pretty!
Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser for The Bedtimestory online

Here are a few lyrics to the event:

We were ready for anything for two,
We were active with a camera and tripod
The moon shone brightly from the sky
We fiddled with the telephoto lens
Until the shot was in the box
We had dried mango instead of fasting
We were rewarded with beautiful photos for our efforts
Later it got quite cool
We quickly packed our things
And had something to laugh on the way home
You can see the result here
"Blue sky and the moon"
A one shot no filter and without Photoshop
I think such recordings are great
Now you get all the loot here in the shop
Thank you to the elves for this great joy
I like to waste myself with you in love