Ein Eichhörnchen weckt mich aus dem Winterschlaf Gedicht und Foto als internationaler 6 Sprachiger Download - thebedtimestory.online

A squirrel wakes me up from hibernation Poem and photo as an international 6 language download

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Dear friends of Thebedtimestory.online and the art of Ralf Christoph Kaiser, I would like to serve you the poem today:

"A squirrel wakes me up from hibernation"

A squirrel wakes me up from hibernation
I feel like a freshly shorn sheep
timid and nimble it scurries away
Swiftly from branch to branch,
I look forward to it as if I were a child
A quick photo
With the camera at the right moment,
Mysterious and fabulous
In romantic rapture and full of juice
The true perception satisfies my mental hunger
I greet the moment of happiness
Who presents himself here almost as if in passing,
Curse and skilfully it hops away
And disappears behind the fir trees
Just caught, then gone again
It then quickly hid.
I respectfully know
This scene is as precious as a sack of rice.
Dandelion sun in the face,
I'll call wish again later in the summer
And eat fresh, juicy peach.




Thanks for your support!

best regards

Ralf Christoph Kaiser