Dear friends of the music and art of Ralf Christoph Kaiser and Kaiser-Musix on TheBedtimestory.online, today I would like to offer you a new song as a free download: "It was coming soon" This song contains 3 different short lyrics and tells a little bit about one musical journey. A friend of mine commented: "The cheerful Lassange". It tastes like a lassagne with a lot of sauce and several layers on top of each other ;-) At the end of the day you have to smile, I bet.
You get the song as mp3 for free sharing.
The downloadad also contains the international lyrics that appear in the song and a photo of my work of art with the "mandala on blue and gold".
I'll print the lyrics here in advance to read along:
It came shortly, by Ralf Christoph Kaiser October 28th, 2020
It came shortly
with seasoning,
I apron my lips
You lovely satisfaction of all longings,
I would like to continue to accompany you,
our tree is bearing fruit again
I have renewed "lusts for love"
that's why I whisper here:
"I love you"
When I knew
How I could make you happy
I voted for it
I open the door for us
The door to happiness🍀
The sun is shining
The boat plows through the Rhine
I want to be with you
Thank you for your support!
I wish you a good time!
Love and Peace