Hello dear friends of Thebedtimestory.online, I have rediscovered poetry and poetry. That's why today you get an international download of a new poem by Ralf Christoph Kaiser in German, English, French, Italian, Spanish and Russian.
It is a great pleasure for me to read my poems in other languages, because there are often interesting word games that make you smile. For example, I had written a poem in the past in which the tiramisu dessert was included and when I read the Italian translation the words: "I'll pull myself up on you". I found that so happy about it, because that is exactly the effect of this dessert. You urgently need a portion of true love and happiness and then pull yourself up again on the dessert in terms of mood, at least back to happiness ...; -)
I have already noticed that for the British the fish used to stink in France and that even poisson was poisonous.
For Germans, a bank to sit on is like a bank where you can save money.
I am always happy about these little puns when translating my poems and I also enjoy reciting in Russian, for example, because I remember how I used to learn Russian in school.
With the Russians, when I speak of "your team", I'm always your comander, that also fascinates me a lot and makes me happy to the extreme.
But now please go to the new poem:
Best in time i will be mine March 20, 2021 by Ralf Christoph Kaiser
Best in time i will be mine
Forest fruit instead of urban frustration
I bet on red and the 8
The heart laughs
The flower blooms and hides behind the glasses
It's almost like God's will
A few kisses and greetings here
A couple of tough men in the station
Auto Motor Sport makes it possibleh
The coffee at the gas station was commendable
Icy wind still joy like it was as a child
The ferry leaves
Ronaldo's thunder was close
Glittering waves and sun rays
My soul wants to bask
In happiness and in spring bliss
Almost like at the sea in the sun🌞
And she was right
The howling will come back soon
Snow-covered mountains instead of blooming lilacs
The fingers are cold
I start penetrating
When she calls in a friendly manner
I am the wild villain
Thanks for your support!
Your Ralf Christoph Kaiser