Dear friends of Ralf Christoph Kaiser's art, I recently started writing several short stories again. I want to start with this new short story here: "The Road Movie". The short story is based on a true little incident that I embellished fictionally and let play with other people in a different place.
In this download you get the story in a multilingual version as a PDF.
You can read the story right here:
"The Road Movie"
I get in my car and drive off. Out of Woodhall into the Yorkshire Dales national Park along the highway. Past sheep towards the late afternoon sun. I follow the River Ure on the A684 north west. The radio says: born to be wild, I'm curious again like a child and hungry for adventure like a tiger that goes hunting.t.
Sometime along the way I take a break, stop by the bridge at York Bridge House and take a room.
It's a 5 star hotel and the food is good here.
As I arrive I notice a young woman in her 30s with long curly hair. She wears glasses but is pretty.
She gets out of her car next to me and we get to know each other on the way to the reception. She has the room next to mine.
We spontaneously decide to have dinner together.
After that we go for a little walk in the evening.
The sun is still just above the horizon.
It's quite chilly, but we get warm as we hold hands. On the way we light up a joint and pass it back and forth.
We both start giggling and 30 minutes later we find ourselves in bed in her room.
Now time has stood still and every second stretches out with relish…
She says she wants to continue to the west coast to Landcaster tomorrow and later visit the Isle of Man.
She wants to do wildlife photography there.
I'm also a photographer and writer myself, always looking for the next big shot and asking if she'll take me on this journey.
I'd follow her anywhere, although I'm more of a security and predictability fanatic.
She tells me about her two younger brothers and that she is currently single and looking for a new connection.
She has 10,000 followers on Instagram and also earns money from her photos. A part-time job she still has is reporting for a local tourism office, for which she writes articles on the region and peppers it with her own photos.
I'm actually only here for 14 days on vacation, otherwise I live near London.
In Woodhall I have a small cabin with a mini kitchen and only cold water. Everything is always very simple and rudimentary there, so every now and then I love the luxury of other hotels nearby, especially to meet new people.
Since I've been in an open marriage with my wife, where everyone also loves as it suits them, I've come here twice a year to inspire myself and indulge in love aspheres.
I tell her about this cabin and she is curious. She agrees and after our trip to the Isle of Man we drive one after the other to my place.
On the cottage there is an old moped on which the two of us chug through the mountains.
I used to come here often with my daughter. She's grown up now and is studying in Glasgow. I show Melanie, that's the name of the new flame, a few photos.
At some point she whispers to me that she would also like to have children.
We agree to meet again here in 6 weeks and let everything come to us.
If I could and wanted to start all over again?
Would I really want to completely give up everything that came before for this new opportunity.
Would that be fine with a 14 year age difference?
I think probably if there is enough money.
In addition to the short story, you will also get the video with the song by The Lucky Ducks and the lyrics of the song and a full-length mp3 of the song in the download here...
Have fun with it...