Here are three proofs of my conjecture of connections between different planets and star observations that I have made in the last 3 years:
1st picture Jupiter observation from June 2020 8 seconds exposure time
2nd image Jupiter observation from June 14, 2021 1 second exposure time
3. Picture Riegel Observation from 01/12/2022 1 second exposure time
4th image WEGA observation from March 24, 2021 0.5 seconds exposure time
In all 4 photos, planets or moons can be seen in front of the respective star. With longer exposure times like Jupiter and Rigel between 1 and 8 seconds more, with shorter ones like Wega 0.5 seconds less.
My assumption now is that with these stars we see a past version of our solar system as an image with all the planets, i.e. the sun and 9 planets, which appear at different positions in the image. Based on my observations, I also suspect that the planetary orbits of the extracted past realities that we see shining back onto the earth can be observed from here with the 9 planets that orbit the sun are not linear as previously assumed, but that these appearing and disappearing again and again in different positions and everything twists in on itself very chaotically. The solar system model that we were taught in school is an attempt at explanation using a model which is also installed because so many believe in it, but it is only live around the earth as it actually happens in a film, because it is installed. If we observe the extracted past versions of our solar system outside of Earth in the sky and understand them using individual stars, then everything there can be seen flickering chaotically or accelerated very quickly, so that many positions of the planets are taken within 1 second. As if 1 second were like 1 year on earth physically, only in the observation of the starry sky in the distance everything is very accelerated, since the entire cosmic course has to take place within about one human life in terms of speed. This also explains why we can see such crooked worm orbits from a planet moving around the star (past sun) on some of my pictures here and with some planets that have appeared only short points where they are visible by being there appear and then disappear again and appear somewhere else. I have observed this several times with my eye looking through the telescope. It's like a chaotic flickering, constantly spinning and flickering around each other seemingly with no clear repetition of the same trajectory in the same rhythm.
Maintaining belief in Keppler's model of stellar motion around the Sun may certainly make a lot of sense, but actually it's all about the Earth. Even the sun that we see rising every day is actually the past earth in the still fiery state, just shining back on the earth from the past to the present. As human beings we can only see from the earth what has been and is reflected back on the earth. This also explains why Elon Musk sees black everywhere outside the stratosphere when he shoots his rockets into space. There's nothing, nothing at all outside in space away from Earth, just black. The whole cosmos that we see from earth is only visible from earth in our memory of past realities of earth as an illusion in the starry sky and shines back to us from the past as if we are looking in a mirror.
My heartfelt hope is that everything that people see in this mirror from Earth will come true at some point and that we can also travel there in the future, but I believe that this is only possible in other dimensions and does not work as previously assumed a rocket that we shoot into space, but can only become possible by traveling in the other dimensions and also by traveling through time. However, with our current knowledge and current technology, we are far from that.
#astro #astrophysics #astrology #astronomy #astrofotography #astrofotografia #Riegel #Orion #observations #sternentheorie #sternenzeit #sternenzeittheorie #ralfchristophkaiser #photos #photography #art #sterne #sternenart #chosmos #universum #fascination #light
1st picture Jupiter observation from June 2020 8 seconds exposure time
2nd image Jupiter observation from June 14, 2021 1 second exposure time
3. Picture Riegel Observation from 01/12/2022 1 second exposure time
4th image WEGA observation from March 24, 2021 0.5 seconds exposure time
In all 4 photos, planets or moons can be seen in front of the respective star. With longer exposure times like Jupiter and Rigel between 1 and 8 seconds more, with shorter ones like Wega 0.5 seconds less.
My assumption now is that with these stars we see a past version of our solar system as an image with all the planets, i.e. the sun and 9 planets, which appear at different positions in the image. Based on my observations, I also suspect that the planetary orbits of the extracted past realities that we see shining back onto the earth can be observed from here with the 9 planets that orbit the sun are not linear as previously assumed, but that these appearing and disappearing again and again in different positions and everything twists in on itself very chaotically. The solar system model that we were taught in school is an attempt at explanation using a model which is also installed because so many believe in it, but it is only live around the earth as it actually happens in a film, because it is installed. If we observe the extracted past versions of our solar system outside of Earth in the sky and understand them using individual stars, then everything there can be seen flickering chaotically or accelerated very quickly, so that many positions of the planets are taken within 1 second. As if 1 second were like 1 year on earth physically, only in the observation of the starry sky in the distance everything is very accelerated, since the entire cosmic course has to take place within about one human life in terms of speed. This also explains why we can see such crooked worm orbits from a planet moving around the star (past sun) on some of my pictures here and with some planets that have appeared only short points where they are visible by being there appear and then disappear again and appear somewhere else. I have observed this several times with my eye looking through the telescope. It's like a chaotic flickering, constantly spinning and flickering around each other seemingly with no clear repetition of the same trajectory in the same rhythm.
Maintaining belief in Keppler's model of stellar motion around the Sun may certainly make a lot of sense, but actually it's all about the Earth. Even the sun that we see rising every day is actually the past earth in the still fiery state, just shining back on the earth from the past to the present. As human beings we can only see from the earth what has been and is reflected back on the earth. This also explains why Elon Musk sees black everywhere outside the stratosphere when he shoots his rockets into space. There's nothing, nothing at all outside in space away from Earth, just black. The whole cosmos that we see from earth is only visible from earth in our memory of past realities of earth as an illusion in the starry sky and shines back to us from the past as if we are looking in a mirror.
My heartfelt hope is that everything that people see in this mirror from Earth will come true at some point and that we can also travel there in the future, but I believe that this is only possible in other dimensions and does not work as previously assumed a rocket that we shoot into space, but can only become possible by traveling in the other dimensions and also by traveling through time. However, with our current knowledge and current technology, we are far from that.
#astro #astrophysics #astrology #astronomy #astrofotography #astrofotografia #Riegel #Orion #observations #sternentheorie #sternenzeit #sternenzeittheorie #ralfchristophkaiser #photos #photography #art #sterne #sternenart #chosmos #universum #fascination #light