Dear friends of thebedtimestory.online, today I would like to offer you a current reading of love poems by Ralf Christoph Kaiser from March 3rd, 2022 in HD sound and as mp3 and with lyrics here.
You can also buy these lyrics as music set to music with the two bands:Limoband and the lucky Ducks in my music and sheet music store:Ralf Christoph Kaiser.com
The last poem I spoke here today has not been set to music before and has not been published before.
Enjoy the poem:
The birds are chirping by Ralf Christoph Kaiser 02/26/2022
The birds are singing
Spring is calling
People come out of their tomb
It is beautiful here
i love your scent
wind and waves
sun and jetty
I forgive you your worries
ducks that screech
Desire for your love
head of foam you're topless
Treat we can kiss
rustling in the trees
An autumn leaf that turns
The sun is blinding
The song is finished
Thank you for your support!
Best regards
Ralph Christopher Kaiser